It's funny how when we think we have jumped through the last hoop that we realize we are encountering a new set of hoops. After much counselling and prayer, we finally decided to pursue the Donor Egg avenue.
This new path would bring complications... do we tell our child or not...
After much debate, we came to an agreement. My sister, a true gift from God, agreed to be my egg donor. Needless to say this month has been gruelling for the both of us, in and out of the clinic for blood tests and ultrasounds and daily injections of IVF medications.
During this process, we learned that my sister and I are similar in many ways, as we seemingly inherited the same type of ovaries. She, like me, had 4 follicles on one side and maybe 1 on the other! We decided to continue with the cycle and were preparing for egg retrieval, when we received the call today that we would have to cancel this cycle...
Apparently her estrogen levels had plateaued, meaning that the potential eggs would not likely lead to a pregnancy... This is truly God telling my sister and I that we weren't made for IVF procedures. In conclusion, my husband and I are destined to not have children with either of our genetics...
It's been nearly a year since my 2nd IVF cycle. I've come a long way in realizing that this is God's will. Am I sad? Yes. Am I devastated? No.
I recall telling my husband yesterday, God has blessed me with many great things already. Now I have closure and am ready for the next chapter of my life.